Creating a new list item From the main window, click the NEW button or just press [Return]. You are presented with the list item entry window. Fill in as much information as you need, using the [Tab] key to move from element to element. The data elements for each list item are as follows: Item Your list item’s name or description. You may view lists in alphabetical order based on this data element. Length is 50 characters. Category Using the Category data element allows you to tap into one of ListMeister’s greatest assets: grouping like elements within a list. You can use the Category element to prioritize using ‘1,2,3’ or ‘a,b,c’. Use any Categorization value you need up to 10 characters. Value The Value element may contain numbers or text up to 20 characters in length. Use it to record city names in a seminar list, mileage in a vehicle maintenance or whatever else you need. For Date Use this date element to record due dates, event dates, birth dates or whatever else. You may view your lists in date order when in the main window. Notes You may record any notes you have for the list item here. You have 4k (4,096) characters which is roughly a full, typed page on a word processor. Done Use the mouse to click the check box when you want to mark a list item as being done and you want it to move to the bottom of the list. Once you have filled in the data elements that you need, you can click the Save button and your item will be added to the list. (By the way, you can press the [Return] key to activate the Save button, too. If the cursor is in the Notes area, however, you’ll need to press the [Enter] key to activate the Save button.) If you decide not to save the list item, click on the Cancel button instead.